Has every one of your school visits been fantastic?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Any children's author who answers, "Yes." to that is either starting to believe their own publicity or is not very self-reflective. Occasionally school visits don't go as well as I hoped for. Sometimes this is due to a school not preparing properly for a school visit. I do freely offer a 48 School Visit Handbook to help schools prepare for a great school visit. Other times unforeseen events occur on or near the day of my visit, such as a broken fire alarm or tragedy in the community. These events can have a negative effect on an author visit. Although, sometimes after a tragic event in the community a little laughter is exactly what is needed for the children. I take my school visits very seriously. From years of reflecting on what makes a great school visit, I have developed a school visit routine that offers the best odds around that your school will have a fantastic school visit. Please read some of the testimonials from other teachers. ^ Back to Questions List
Request a quote for your school. (You may be surprised!)
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(207) 991-2580