Praise for School Visits by Children's Poet Robert Pottle
Your way of doing audience participation was wonderful. The children were thrilled to see their classmates and teachers up front participating - and to keep the props!
Yes, you "taught to the standards," but you were right on target for their interests and vocabulary, and you were just plain fun!
Elaine Gust, 2nd Grade Teacher, Edison Elementary, Mesa, AZ
What impressed me the most about Robert Pottle's visit is that it was a learning experience just as much as a presentation. Robert magically slipped writing lessons into a comedy act!
Mary Jo Sears, Librarian, Claude Thompson Elementary, Marshall, VA
Robert made the experience of an author visit easy for the organizer, relevant for the teachers in their curriculum, and exciting for the students.
The planning guide was an exceptional tool for organizers.
He was a dynamic performer who created enthusiasm not just for poetry, but for writing and reading as well.
Holly Gutierrez, Librarian, Edison Elementary, Mesa, AZ
You had the students totally engaged in both the large group presentation and the small group workshops.
You have a delightful way of intertwining laughing and learning.
Even the "hardest to reach" students were mesmerized by your enthusiastic and inviting way.
Your love of poetry, both reading and writing it, is contagious. Both the teachers and the students were inspired by you.
Kim Kroes, Reading Specialist, Claude Thompson Elementary, Marshall, VA
My students and I thoroughly enjoyed your presentations. You instilled a love of poetry through your humor. I have their complete undivided attention when I read your poems in class. Thanks for coming and showing that writing poetry can be fun.
Laura Lind, 3rd Grade Teacher, Nottingham West Elementary, Hudson, NH
Great audience participation during your large group presentation. I loved all the use of props. Thanks for choosing a variety of students to assist. I also love the "follow up" small group poetry lesson.
Heidi Cave, 6th Grade Teacher, Edison Elementary, Mesa, AZ
Thanks for spending so much time (all day!!) with us. Kids all clamored for the opportunity to take my copy of your new book home to share with parents. You were engaging. I think you've left a school that now loves poetry!
Donna Buchanan, 3rd Grade Teacher, Gordon-Barbour Elementary, Gordonsville, VA
Robert Pottle's presentation and style were wonderful. He had the children engaged and laughing with his enthusiasm and animation. All kids and teachers can relate to his poems.
Jackie Boothby - Second Grade Teacher, Ella Lewis School, Steuben, ME
You exceeded my expectations and those of my class. Great presentation all around.
Jamie Hamm, 2nd Grade Teacher, Gordon-Barbour Elementary, Gordonsville, VA
My kindergarten children really enjoyed Mr. Pottle's visit to our school. His funny rhyming poetry is something we share everyday. It's wonderful how one author can really get kids fired up. They've all decided to be poets when they grow up!
Joy Rancourt, Kindergarten Teacher, Leroy H. Smith School, Winterport, ME
Robert Pottle's visit was great. The children love him and his books. Many of my students purchased his books as we had read them prior to his visit. His books made my children excited about poetry and as a matter of fact, we wrote a book of poetry and presented it to him when he visited our 4th grade classroom! I would welcome another visit, and strongly recommend him as a presenter for cultural enrichment activities in the elementary school setting!
Delese Hovey, 4th Grade Teacher, Bicentennial Elementary, Nashua, NH
Robert Pottle is an entertaining and informative speaker. The love of his craft and knowledge of the writing process are amply apparent. A real pleasure to have him in the classroom and school.
Scott A. Johnson - Seventh Grade teacher, Eastport Elementary School, Eastport, ME
You did such a great job of keeping our students engaged during the entire presentation. The laughter was refreshing! Your props were terrific.
Amy Taylor, Teacher, Gordon-Barbour Elementary, Gordonsville, VA
My 4th grade students thoroughly enjoyed listening to your poetry and participating in the lesson. We have been reading and writing Cinquains since we last saw you. I was pleasantly surprised when one of my least motivated students was able to remember the pattern for Cinquain a week after your visit. Thank you for making poetry so enjoyable. I hope to see you again.
Yolanda Aguilar, 4th Grade SEI Teacher, Edison Elementary, Mesa, AZ
You really understand the way kids think. I was very impressed with your morning presentation for the whole school. It was appropriate for all grade levels, K - 5, and that is a hard thing to do!
As a music teacher, I was especially impressed with all of your creative lyrics to well-known children songs. A job well done! Thank you for coming to our school!
Mary Anderson, Music Teacher, Gordon-Barbour Elementary, Gordonsville, VA
You know it is good when students and teachers are talking about it the rest of the day. Parents came to me that evening and the next day all saying their kids came home talking about "that poetry guy." We even had teachers making up poems at lunchtime due to your inspiration. Thank you.
Susan Anhold, Librarian, Crozet Elementary, Crozet, VA
The children enjoyed reading Robert Pottle's poems. They became more enthused when he gave the background to the poems. He gave an excellent presentation.
Ann Groves, Teacher, Nottingham West Elementary, Hudson, NH
Thank you so much for coming! Your whole group presentation was fun, and your grade level presentation was educational! The third grade program directly related to our writing program. I loved when you told them that it took five months to finish a poem, and that you shoed them pictures of your writer's notebook.
My own 4th grade son started a poem last night and told me that he was going to use your writing tip and write the beginning, the ending, and then the middle!
Emily Miksovic, Music Teacher, Gordon-Barbour Elementary, Gordonsville, VA
The students loved the teacher participation. The poetry language was easy to follow.
Lana Orme 3rd Grade Teacher, Edison Elementary, Mesa, AZ
Your visit with us was amazing! Every student was totally involved both in the full assembly and the individual grade level session. I have never seen our students so excited by poetry.
Nancy Tate, Library Assistant, Claude Thompson Elementary, Marshall, VA
Very enjoyable presentation to entire student body followed by age appropriate presentation to our first graders!
Bonnie Cole, 1st Grade Teacher, Gordon-Barbour Elementary, Gordonsville, VA
Mr. Pottle's presentation was joyous! He brought poetry to life for my students. It is important that first graders see that authors are real people and not just another picture in their story books.
Mr. Pottle's presentation was so alive and real one of my students wanted to finish a "book" he was writing so he could sit in "the teacher's chair" and read it like Mr. Pottle did.
The first graders chatted about Mr. Pottle, his poems, and personal experiences the poems reminded them of, long after he was gone.
Joanne Beal - First Grade Teacher, Ella Lewis School, Steuben, ME
You brought humor into our school! I know it will motivate our young writers.
B. Robinson, 4th Grade Teacher, Crozet Elementary, Crozet, VA
A nice combination - to promote literacy and pure entertainment.
Heidi Merrow, 1st Grade Teacher, Nottingham West Elementary, Hudson, NH
Robert Pottle was a very exciting poet. In addition to being creative and entertaining, he was hilarious. My children love discussing their favorite Robert Pottle poems!
Kim Adams, 1st Grade Teacher, Gordon-Barbour Elementary, Gordonsville, VA
Your presentations were so engaging to all levels. The students were learning such valuable material while enjoying your grade level presentations. I can see an increased interest in poetry both in writing and reading as a result of the school's pre-visit preparation. Learning can be and should be fun - with your approach it is truly possible.
Avis Resslor, Volunteer/Substitute, Claude Thompson Elementary, Marshall, VA
I enjoyed the visit very much and my students did also. I have a class of students with severe disabilities and it is always great when there's an activity that my students can enjoy along with the rest of the school community. Poetry is one of those thing anyone can enjoy whatever their challenges in life. My students respond to sounds, emotions and the atmosphere around them. They had a wonderful time at the all school presentation because the room was filled with laughter and children having a fun time. Thank you for giving my students a fun poetry experience!
Linda Glover, Special Education Teacher, Gordon-Barbour Elementary, Gordonsville, VA
His April first visit was such a blast!
We wanted his visit to last and last.
His poems and hats we found quite funny;
We giggled a lot and had a sore tummy
Mrs. Yeaton and her Third Grade Class - Cape Cod Hill School, New Sharon, ME
My students thought it was great that you used lots of rhyming words. (This is a real focus in our curriculum.)
Sandy Hanley, Kindergarten Teacher, Gordon-Barbour Elementary, Gordonsville, VA
Being a teacher himself, Robert Pottle certainly knows how to hold the attention of his audience. He makes poetry understandable and fun for "kids" of all ages. My students were all ready to participate and "act out" a poem during the workshop session by grade level.
Steven F Douglas, Grade 5 Teacher, Leroy H. Smith School, Winterport, ME
Mr. Pottle was very engaging for all classes from K - 6. He presented wonderful poetry for sharing and then in separate workshops was able to show students how a poem was thought of, worked through and developed. He was inspiring to students and teachers alike!
Myrna J. Robinson - Writing Teacher, Grades 4, 5, and 6, Cape Cod Hill School, New Sharon, ME
Robert Pottle presented his poetry in a lively and entertaining manner. His poems were well-suited for all ages, from kindergarteners to teachers in our school. We would be happy to have him come back.
Darlene Dowling - Ella Lewis School, Steuben, ME
If you need a poet, a presenter, or a performer drop me a line.
Request a quote for your school. (You may be surprised!)
You can email me at 
You can send mail, or call me at: Blue Lobster Press; 3919 Union St; Levant, ME 04456
(207) 991-2580