Your rates are lower than many authors. Does this mean your school visits aren't as good? Short answer: No! (Thank you for reading long answer).
Long Answer: Occasionally a school will tell me that they were considering having me visit their school, but they decided to go with a children's author who charged more because they figured that author was better. This is very frustrating for me. I was a first grade teacher in a very rural area for ten years. I know how precious school funding is. I have worked hard to keep my rates reasonable. I do this in part through arrangements I have made with publishers. Without getting into details, I have negotiated arrangements so that I am able to charge less for school visits than many children's authors. ^ Back to Questions List - or - > Read Next Answer
If you need a poet, a presenter, or a performer drop me a line. I have even written poems for hire for a leading educational software company.
Request a quote for your school. (You may be surprised!)
You can email me at
You can send mail, or call me at: Blue Lobster Press; 3919 Union St; Levant, ME 04456
phone: (330) R POTTLE (That's: (330) 776-8853)