View of a Fog Covered Frenchman Bay From Cadillac Mountain
On Saturday, April 29th, Frosty and I headed to Mount Desert Island to hike Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park. We headed up the North Ridge Trail to the summit. The trailhead is soon after you turn onto the Park Loop Road. The parking area for this trailhead gets busy during peak hours in the summer. This is a short, scenic hike. There was not much mud or water at all for a spring hike.

North Ridge Trail of Cadillac Mountain Acadia National Park
After a wooded section at the start, most of this trail is open. It has wonderful views of Frenchman Bay and Bar Harbor. The fog was covering the ocean like a layer of dryer lint. It looked really cool blanketing the islands in the bay. The sun came out as we hiked and slowly burned off the fog. I enjoyed watching the changes.

Cairn on the North Ridge Trail Cadillac Mountain
Once we reached the top, we walked the tarred path that meanders around giving views in various directions.There are interpretive plaques along the summit path, and it’s wheel chair accessible. We decided to take a snack break while enjoying the views. Not many people had driven or hiked up maybe due to the earlier fog. The only time I’ve been atop Cadillac with less people, in recent memory, was at sunrise.

View from Cadillac Mountain
As we descended, we saw two tour buses on the auto road. A cruise ship was in port. The buses were bringing the tourists from the cruise up to the top of Cadillac. It was a great day to be out!

Alder Cones